PubMed ID |
23112751 |
Publish Date |
2012 July |
Journal |
Mol Syndromol |
Species |
Disease Type |
Technology |
Title |
Chromothripsis Challenges the Germline |
Authors |
Martin Poot |
Affiliation |
Department of Medical Genetics, University Medical Center Utrech |
Chromothripsis Definition |
Close-by breakpoints: NA Copy number states: NA Fragments random joining: NA |
Abstract |
Complex chromosomal rearrangements (CCRs) con- stitute a rare, difficult to detect and hard to interpret en- tity in clinical cytogenetic diagnosis. CCRs are usually detected by inspection of chromosomal banding pat- terns during karyotyping. The sensitivity of detection is thus limited by the number of microscopically visible bands, typically in the order of 500 to 800. Array-CGH offers a dramatically improved resolution of detection but is limited to CCRs that are associated with copy number variations (CNVs), i.e. losses or gains. Copy neu- tral CCRs, in contrast, escape detection by array-CGH |