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24509483 | Research | RB1 gene inactivation by chromothripsis in human retinoblastoma. | McEvoy J, Nagahawatte P, Finkelstein D, Richa... | Oncotarget | 2014 Jan |
25254125 | Research | Chromothripsis: Basis of a Concurrent Unusual Association between Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. | Agrawal A, Modi A, Alagusundaramoorthy SS, Gh... | Case Rep Hematol | 2014 Sep |
25144242 | Research | A novel mechanism of EML4-ALK rearrangement mediated by chromothripsis in a patient-derived cell line. | Kodama T, Motoi N, Ninomiya H, Sakamoto H, Ki... | J Thorac Oncol | 2014 Nov |
25161957 | Research | Ultra-High Density SNParray in Neuroblastoma Molecular Diagnostics. | Ambros IM, Brunner C, Abbasi R, Frech C, Ambr... | Front Oncol | 2014 Aug |
25043231 | Research | Prenatal diagnosis of chromothripsis, with nine breaks characterized by karyotyping, FISH, microarray and whole-genome sequencing. | Macera MJ, Sobrino A, Levy B, Jobanputra V, A... | Prenat Diagn | 2015 Mar |
26040972 | Research | Chromothripsis with at least 12 breaks at 1p36.33-p35.3 in a boy with multiple congenital anomalies. | Gamba BF, Richieri-Costa A, Costa S, Rosenber... | Mol Genet Genomics | 2015 Jun |
24553141 | Research | C11orf95-RELA fusions drive oncogenic NF-kappaB signalling in ependymoma. | Parker M, Mohankumar KM, Punchihewa C, Weinli... | Nature | 2014 Feb |
24670643 | Research | Constitutional and somatic rearrangement of chromosome 21 in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. | Li Y, Schwab C, Ryan SL, Papaemmanuil E, Robi... | Nature | 2014 Apr |
25351503 | Research | Genomic catastrophes frequently arise in esophageal adenocarcinoma and drive tumorigenesis. | Nones K, Waddell N, Wayte N, Patch AM, Bailey... | Nat Commun | 2014 Oct |
23410887 | Research | Breakpoint profiling of 64 cancer genomes reveals numerous complex rearrangements spawned by homology-independent mechanisms | Malhotra A, Lindberg M, Faust GG, Leibowitz M... | Genome Research | 2013 May |